Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 4 Forge on...

"There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still." 
~Franklin D. Roosevelt  
So today would have been a day when I typically would vote for something fast and easy. Specifically, so fast and easy that it is obtained from a drive-through! I thought about it, but...
moved beyond the temptation. Instead, I checked email and read an article. Both calmed and redirected me. I ultimately made a wonderful Quinoa-Spinach Bake (pictured above)
and served it with a simple salad of spring greens and tomatoes with a balsamic vinaigrette drizzle. The bake was excellent and I am re-learning that the preparation is the actively joyful half of eating. The colors, the aromas, the process. Even the problem solving...coming up with substitutions, deciphering complicated recipes, measuring, adjusting. The artful side of cooking...choosing a great baking dish, arranging the food on the plate, even choosing different china. All of it is this wonderful sensory experience that I mostly had abandoned. I missed it.
Here is a link to the recipe for the bake:
Adjustments made included not boiling the spinach but instead sauteing it with the onion and garlic. I also used too much red pepper! The other spices are warm and lovely.

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